It’s a jungle out there!

The recent nice weather prompted a trip to the Philadelphia Zoo, and a visit to the newest attraction – KidZooU.

The exhibit is located in the former Elephant space and features hands on activities, teaching youngsters about conservation of resources and animal diversity through exhibits both inside and out… and of course there is the beloved petting zoo.

The KidZooU new signage feature large colored animals – great for those younger kids for which a trip to the Zoo is full of excitement and learning. The signs visually depict each colorful animal in different forms – picture, brail, sign language and even a QR Code for other languages (German, French, Hindi, Chinese and many more).

The Philadelphia Zoo successfully combines fun and functionality into it’s new wayfinding signage.


2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 May 8th, 2013|Design, Local|Comments Off on It’s a jungle out there!