Image vs. Perception

D6˚ in the Mirror - Image vs. PerceptionThe way you think of your business and the way your customers perceive your business may be fundamentally different, which is why it is essential for every business to develop a strategic marketing plan and stick to it.

1. Start with your mission.
What is the purpose of your company? What benefits, such as products or services do you offer customers?

2. Be honest with yourself.
Reflecting on your strength and weaknesses will help you define the core of your business. Outlining opportunities and threats will explore external influences on your business.

3. Outline stages for success.
Set objectives you want to achieve in the near future, keep goals in mind for the long-term.

4. Define your target audience.
Who are you trying to reach? Having a clear understanding of who your target market is may effect your business strategy.

5. Make a plan.
How do you want to approach your audience? Outline how you plan to reach your customers. Make it diverse.

6. Stick to it (for the most part).
Once you have a plan, try to adhere to it. Work on achieving the goals you set and do not rethink your strategies constantly. If you took an honest look at your company’s needs and goals you should be heading in the right direction.

Of course that doesn’t mean you should develop tunnel vision, revisit the goals you set periodically. Sometimes reaching your goals requires a few detours, but in general the course should be set. Let Design6˚ help you achieve your goals in 2015.

2017-05-22T13:17:01+00:00 January 2nd, 2015|Big Thinking|Comments Off on Image vs. Perception