First Class Design

How cool would this have been? A small post office in Tieton, Washington was supposed to get a new facade consisting of 41,500 stamp-size glass mosaic tiles, commemorating the look of vintage postage stamps from the early 20th century.

Tieton Post Office Design

Image via Kickstarter | Tieton Stamp Mosaic: A Monument to Small-Town Post Offices

The Kickstarter campaign had initially raised enough money, but the USPS declined the offer, with Ernie Swanson, U.S.P.S. communications field contact, stating “It’s just inappropriate, basically, for us to do that, to accept such gifts; we operate and maintain our own facilities.”

Luckily the town will still produce six typographic mosaics that will be installed around Tieton landmarks, as part of the Tieton Mosaic Project, which was funded in part by the National Endowment of the Arts. Ed Marquand, co-founder of Mighty Tieton (an incubator for artisan and design-related light manufacturing businesses), is behind the Tieton Mosaic Project and helming the revitalization effort of the small, agricultural community in central Washington.

2017-05-22T13:16:59+00:00 July 29th, 2015|Big Thinking, Design, In The News|Comments Off on First Class Design

Bag Ban – A Beginning of the End?

Hawaii became the first US state this month to ban plastic bags, giving hope that one day advertisements like the ones below from Surfers Against Sewage are no longer necessary.

Killer Bags - Martin Brent - Surfers Against Sewage

Killer Bags - Martin Brent - Surfers Against Sewage - 2014 Campaign

Killer Bags - Martin Brent - Surfers Against Sewage

Killer Bags artwork by Martin Brent – Surfers Against Sewage – 2014 Campaign“This year the ocean’s biggest killer will be the rubbish you leave behind. Help us protect our precious coastlines, marine animals and seabirds and join a SAS beach clean near you.”

The ban, which prohibits businesses to offer single-use plastic bags to customers, but makes exception for compostable bags, those used within a store for bulk items (for fruits and vegetables), restaurant take out food, and others – was first instituted on the Hawaiian island of Maui in 2011, followed by Kauai the same year, Hawaii County in 2013 and the island of Oahu earlier this month.

With over 100 billion plastic bags handed out every year in the US alone, many end up polluting our waters. Scientists estimate that every square mile of ocean has approximately 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in it.

2017-05-22T13:16:59+00:00 July 15th, 2015|In The News|Comments Off on Bag Ban – A Beginning of the End?

Proclaiming Independence

While we celebrate America’s birthday with fireworks, parades and barbecues, below are some interesting tidbits about the Fourth of July, that might not be as commonly known…


2017-05-22T13:16:59+00:00 July 4th, 2015|Design|Comments Off on Proclaiming Independence