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I Love Logos

Logo Love

Having designed hundreds of logos, we are experienced in the process of researching, planning, sketching and creating brands and knowing exactly what is professional and what is not.

  • A professional business should look professional.
  • To make it memorable keep things simple.
  • A well-designed logo should be timeless.
  • Every typeface has a personality, find a font that is truly appropriate for the business.
  • Choose color combinations for your logo that work well with your entire brand.
  • Your logo should be effective without color – if it doesn’t work in black, it doesn’t work in color.
  • Versatility is important – your logo should work in both vertical and horizontal format.
  • It should be scalable to work even when just an inch in size.

We have learned that small businesses really need more than just a logo. They need a consistent image in many formats. A logo is the starting point of your whole corporate image – it should reflect the time and thought gone into designing it.

A great logo can provide a company with success.

2017-05-22T13:17:05+00:00 October 9th, 2012|Big Thinking|Comments Off on I Love Logos

From superheroes to real life heroes

While Creative Director with The Merz Group, I was given the wonderful opportunity to work with The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald House to create their Annual Report.

Batman & Superman

The inspiration for my concept came from my sons’ fascination with superheros and dressing up. While kids are pretend playing, they are always the fearless leader, never afraid of anything. They jump around the house extremely confident to play the hero, to rescue those in distress, and imagine that they are bigger and stronger than they really are.

The Annual Report’s no-sew cape crusaders and their imagination helps give them the courage to overcome any obstacle.

Ronald McDonald House Annual Report

“The Philadelphia Ronald McDonald the world’s first salutes all super heros — the brave children, their awe-inspiring parents and family members, volunteers, Board, staff, friends and donors — who have gone “above and beyond” to make a difference in so many ways.”

2017-05-22T13:17:05+00:00 October 7th, 2012|Big Thinking|Comments Off on From superheroes to real life heroes

Believe in Your Smellf

A little perspiration can be a big inspiration. Whenever I see a campaign so brilliant, I say to my smellf — “I wish I’d done that!” Old Spice really did a great job reinventing itself into something very cool. This new series of commercials added some new spice for a new generation. It’s not the same “Old” Spice your dad used to know – out with the old and in with the cool.

This latest Old Spice “Believe in Your Smelf” campaign works like a champion in our house, my son’s love it and the Old Spice product line makes it to the top of our grocery list.

There are other great spots on their “wish I’d created that too” website that you might have not seen yet. Take a look for yourself.

2017-05-22T13:17:05+00:00 September 27th, 2012|Videos|Comments Off on Believe in Your Smellf

Inspire me

It’s not the ideas that scream out that need to be heard, it’s the one that keeps whispering that you really need to hear. Some days everyone needs a little extra encouragement to nudge those ideas out of your head and create something wonderful. Whatever you do, we hope this list helps you manifest your passion.

Holstee Manifesto

2017-05-22T13:17:05+00:00 September 2nd, 2012|Inspiration|Comments Off on Inspire me