Life in “85 Seconds”

When designers need stock photography or video clips, one of the first places they look is Getty Images. But with thousands upon thousands of photos and videos, how do you showcase all that you have to offer to these designers? Well, with the help of advertising agency AlmapBBDO, Getty recently released a video depicting life in “85 seconds.”

According to AdWeek, the spot “incorporates 105 clips of people doing all sorts of activities to tell a story that spans decades of the characters’ lives.”

The ad is a follow-up to last year’s spot entitled “From Love to Bingo” which uses 873 still images to convey a love story.

Watch the spot below and let us know what you think in the comments!

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 May 21st, 2013|Inspiration, Videos|Comments Off on Life in “85 Seconds”