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Hey Big (Ad) Spender

What do three phone companies, three car companies, a fast food restaurant, an insurance company and two retailers have in common? They make up the top ten in AdAge DataCenter’s analysis of America’s Top 25 Biggest Advertisers for 2012.

AT&T topped the list and according to AdAge, “accounted for more than 1% of 2012 U.S. measured-media spending — TV, radio, print, outdoor, internet display ads — or $5.05 for every person in the United States.”

Check out the infographic below to see how the top 25 ranked. Are you surprised by these results? Do you have a favorite ad from one of these companies? Let us know in the comments section!

Image Via AdAge

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 July 11th, 2013|In The News|Comments Off on Hey Big (Ad) Spender

Coming to a Mailbox Near You

…if you are a member of the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce that is.

We had the great fortune to be working with the Chamber on their Member Newsletter redesign. The new design of the “Chamber Chatter” features a completely revamped look, as well as a new monthly Membership Spotlight section. Members are encouraged to submit articles that might be of interest to the greater chamber community.

GWCC Chamber Chatter

The redesign is the next step in an effort for the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce to rebrand themselves into THE resource for the community, after the launch of their redesigned website and the start of their “Think…Shop…Buy Local” effort, which encourages members of the community to purchase goods and services from business members of the Greater West Chester Chamber of Commerce.

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 July 2nd, 2013|Design, Local|Comments Off on Coming to a Mailbox Near You

Happy Summer!

Christoph Niemann, one of our favorite illustrators and the creator behind The New York Time’s “Abstract Sunday” animated a Double Doodle for Google, celebrating the arrival of Summer, or if you are in the Southern Hemisphere – Winter.

Happy Summer Everybody!

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 June 25th, 2013|Design|Comments Off on Happy Summer!

Romance that Sizzles

Father’s Day is this weekend and Oscar Mayer hit the spot with their latest campaign “Say it with Bacon.” Take a sniff of these tasty ads from Oscar Mayer – he may not not look like Brad Pitt or smell like Chanel No. 5 but this is sure to be a favorite for Dad this Father’s Day!

Crispy and flavorful bacon has become more than a breakfast tradition.  Bacon has taken on new superstar status in artisan pop culture, with everything from wrapping paper, t-shirts, neck ties – even candles and cologne smelling like bacon.

Say it with Bacon

Do you agree, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach …

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 June 14th, 2013|Inspiration, Videos|2 Comments

You say “Jif,” I Say “Gif”

A “graphic interchange format” or “GIF” has been a standard file format since it was created in the mid-80s. But recently, with a renewed popularity of these animated images thanks to Tumblr, there has been some debate as to how exactly it is pronounced.

Some say it’s “jif” with a soft “g” (and like the peanut butter brand) while others opt for the hard “g” sound like “gift”. Even the White House weighed in on the topic.

So which is correct? GIF creator Steve Wilhite recently told the New York Times’ Bits blog (and reiterated during his lifetime achievement award acceptance speech at the Webby awards), “It is a soft ‘G,’ pronounced ‘jif.’ End of story.”

And to illustrate the point, although this one isn’t a gif…

Are you on team GIF or team JIF? Let us know in the comments below!

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 June 13th, 2013|Videos|Comments Off on You say “Jif,” I Say “Gif”

Chasing fireflies, a small collection of big ideas

I was flattered to be invited to speak with the graduating art students at Henderson high school this week. My portfolio presentation was in a sense a small collection of big ideas. I wanted to give the class a glimpse into all the concept thinking that goes behind the final piece, which the audience actually sees.

Since I was going there to “inspire” them I wanted to give each student something to think about after I left.

And what better way, then a jar full of inspiration to follow their dreams. Each Ball jar contained 5 different inspirational creative quotes. The pay it forward card has a firefly on the backside leaving room to write a name, phone number or email address. I also included 3 mini glow stick each tied with a yellow netting to resemble wings and give the jar a little more glow.

My hope was to encourage students to be innovative and think differently when it came time for them to be remembered.

“A mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions.”

Design 6 Degrees Fire Fly Promotion

Design 6 Degrees Fire Fly Promotion

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 May 30th, 2013|Big Thinking, Inspiration|Comments Off on Chasing fireflies, a small collection of big ideas

Life in “85 Seconds”

When designers need stock photography or video clips, one of the first places they look is Getty Images. But with thousands upon thousands of photos and videos, how do you showcase all that you have to offer to these designers? Well, with the help of advertising agency AlmapBBDO, Getty recently released a video depicting life in “85 seconds.”

According to AdWeek, the spot “incorporates 105 clips of people doing all sorts of activities to tell a story that spans decades of the characters’ lives.”

The ad is a follow-up to last year’s spot entitled “From Love to Bingo” which uses 873 still images to convey a love story.

Watch the spot below and let us know what you think in the comments!

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 May 21st, 2013|Inspiration, Videos|Comments Off on Life in “85 Seconds”

Inspiration in a bottle

Judging a book by the “cover” goes for labels and all types of packaging as far as I’m concerned. I’ll admit it. I am always drawn in by creative marketing, not only for its beautiful design and typography but for its clever word play.

Design6˚ Nail Polish

2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 May 15th, 2013|Inspiration|Comments Off on Inspiration in a bottle

It’s a jungle out there!

The recent nice weather prompted a trip to the Philadelphia Zoo, and a visit to the newest attraction – KidZooU.

The exhibit is located in the former Elephant space and features hands on activities, teaching youngsters about conservation of resources and animal diversity through exhibits both inside and out… and of course there is the beloved petting zoo.

The KidZooU new signage feature large colored animals – great for those younger kids for which a trip to the Zoo is full of excitement and learning. The signs visually depict each colorful animal in different forms – picture, brail, sign language and even a QR Code for other languages (German, French, Hindi, Chinese and many more).

The Philadelphia Zoo successfully combines fun and functionality into it’s new wayfinding signage.


2017-05-22T13:17:03+00:00 May 8th, 2013|Design, Local|Comments Off on It’s a jungle out there!